InSite® Semen Detection Kit
Another series
of zinc strips and InSite acid phosphatase strips were prepared.
The zinc strips were prepared according to the procedure of
Hooft and van de Voorde using Whatman Grade 1, Whatman Grade
3 and VWR Grade 417 filter paper. The AP strips were
prepared according to a modification of Babson and contained
approximately 5 mg citrate buffer, 1 mg 1-naphthyl phosphate
and 1.6 mg Dye Fast Blue B salt per strip, using Whatman
Grade 1 and Whatman Grade 3 filter paper. A semen
dilution series with these strips in shown in Fig 2.
The zinc strips proved to have a detection limit of 1/250,
while the AP strips had a detection limit of 1/2000.
The InSite AP strips proved to be somewhat more sensitive
then the Phosphatesmo strips used for comparison in this
experiment, although they had a slight tan color.
(Perhaps this increased sensitivity can be attributed to a
greater amount of reagent.) Because of the dramatic
purple color change upon exposure to acid phosphatase,
however, this tan color (most likely due to degradation of
the diazonium salt component) was judged not to be
important. Whatman Grade 3 paper seemed to give the
best contrast with the zinc strips, whereas Whatman Grade 1
paper gave the best results among the AP strips.





1/50, 1/10 (Zn)
Whatman Grade 1
1/50, 1/10 (Zn)
Whatman Grade 3
1/50, 1/10 (Zn)
VWR 417
1/50, 1/10 (AP)
Whatman Grade 1
1/50, 1/10 (AP)
Whatman Grade 3





1/150, 1/100 (Zn)
Whatman Grade 1
1/150, 1/100 (Zn)
Whatman Grade 3
1/150, 1/100 (Zn)
VWR 417
1/150, 1/100 (AP)
Whatman Grade 1
1/150, 1/100 (AP)
Whatman Grade 3





1/500, 1/250 (Zn)
Whatman Grade 1
1/500, 1/250 (Zn)
Whatman Grade 3
1/500, 1/250 (Zn)
VWR 417
1/500, 1/250 (AP)
Whatman Grade 1
1/500, 1/250 (AP)
Whatman Grade 3



1/2000, 1/1000 (AP)
Whatman Grade 1
1/2000, 1/1000 (AP)
Whatman Grade 1
1/2000, 1/500 (AP)
Phosphatesmo KM
Figure 2. Serial Dilutions of Semen and Analysis with Zinc Strips and Acid Phosphatase Tests
Using different grades of filter paper (dilutions are listed by top, bottom)